• aspc@um.edu.my
  • 03-79677921/7818

Learning Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Conference (LITEC)

To promote their research findings, as well as to create a platform for sharing of best practices, a conference was organized in conjunction with the UM-LITER grant, with the first one held in 2017. In 2019, the conference was rebranded as Learning Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Conference (LITEC). 
This conference gathers the recipients of UM-LITER Grant, as well as educators who are passion in their Teaching and Learning research, to
share their findings and also best practices is adapting to the current trend in higher education scene. 
Each year, different theme was introduced in the conference in regards to the current higher education scene.
A total of five conferences has been successfully organized by ADEC from 2017 to 2021. ADEC also introduced Teaching and Learning Award to recognizes the best T& research and practices and to celebrate passionate educators. 
See the full recipients of LITEC T&L Award by year; 
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 20182017

Last Update: 23/06/2022